
Thursday, July 24, 2003

end of day 

amanda is coming to my cell grp!!!=p buddies reunite....i'm excited slightly.. it's gd to see a familiar face from the usual grp of ppl that i hang out. not to mention i have someone extra to talk to.. things are looking gd.. the mc is going to last till 17 of Sept.. heh.. i'll be prepared to go back camp after that.. unless God decides otherwise and i get another extra month. i guess we'll talk when that date approaches. felt gd abt myself today.. forced myself to do my qt at 9.30 pm.. usually i'll leave it at the end of the day.. that'll only be 2 tried and tested scenarios. one, i'll be too tired and fall asleep or i'll have a gd time with God. usually, the former kinda dominates. so i'm glad i did my qt early today when i have still my strength with me. woke up super early today so i'm really quite groogy from looking at the comp.. i prayed that these kind of days will increase and multiply in my life forevermore.. it's time to really set aside time for God. (sorry abt the pun) matt 6:33. hope He's pleased. helping out manda with her research. beta type faster. took the north-east line today.. went to every station except clarke quay and chinatown.. went b4 liao.. took pics at every station. gd time to brush up on my photography.. =) kinda disappointed that farrer rd one was quite plain.. but it was a gd trip.. compass pt sells vegetarian food..!!! =0 will show everyone the pics soon. esp mic.

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