
Tuesday, July 15, 2003

monday madness 

kena thrashed yest at warcraft.. must train a bit.. muahahahaha.. (evil laughter). found a new place at xanga.com. apparently they give u skins to modify yur blog. at a price. nothing's free it seems in the world of the web. feel so tired today.. wonder what's wrong. aiyoh.. bought a blender. heheh.. can make my milk blends. got problems with bananas though. apparently they turn black very easily and i have to drink everything chop chop if not it looks gruesome. the taste is still intact but the color is appaling to say the least. still havent settle cyn's present. well, i have like 5 days to do it. felt bad that i didnt ask liangwei if i can do anything for the cg. and i'm the freest. hmmm... i think i shld go and visit all the poly ppl one of these days. say say, till havent go.. crap siah. maybe meet up with jenson. get back my jersey.. still have to pay him.. wah lau.. but he also never say he will give me for free.. met teddy bear.. he looks fit siah. think i will invite him to church this sunday... it's going to be a great service

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