
Sunday, June 20, 2004


i met someone. initially i thot she's a big bully, possessive, domineering, possibly manipulative, insecure, emotional, aggressive. man, think i can really spot flaws like no one's business. now? she's unique, pretty lovely, can be gentle to me =), that's all for now, still on the process of discovering who she is.. everyone has gd pts and bad pts.. she's no exception and so am i.. embarking on a process of self-discovery myself with her.. never thought i will really start to fall in love with someone again. we've got like a mth to go.. can we make it? i surely hope we can.. i'm in it with both feet and i'm sure she's in it also.. at times i'm like why do i like her? i don't know at times... but it's sure great to feel the heady heights of being in love.. though the marathon telephone sessions are really getting to me... i'm dying from the lack of sleep. don't want to crash and burn. but somehow know in my heart that she's someone that i can spend my days with. it's all a decision. maybe that's quite unemotional.. but that's how i see it

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