
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Little Drop 

Originally wanted to write something in prose, but for all the green earth here, my mind is too cluttered with so many plans to really write anything right down, in addition to the fact that i just came back from one of my last pre-work bike rides. After a space of one week not getting onto the bike, my speed seems to have reduced considerably, definintely a cause for concern.

Once out of the house, I was assualted by raindrops of various sizes. With the new bike, I'm more cautious as I spent my money on it and do not wish to see it reduce to a rust bucket before its destined time. The assault continued till Zion Road where the clouds decided that they should check their calendar before pouring down on us unannounced.

East Coast is literally desereted on the weekdays, therefore no other bicycles to chase down or vice versa and no one to look at. But it does make for a great relaxing ride, and also a test of mental strength to keep up the intensity without anything in sight.

Rain or shine, this bike is going places,
cos I'll be one of the good guys cos' there's too many of the bad ones around.

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