
Friday, July 11, 2003

realise that i can't really multi-task so well. y? jenson called yest. at like 12.15 am!!! i was like who the heck called so late in the night? it was 5 pm in london, so i can't really blame him for it. and now i know for good that we're a solid 7 hours ahead of england. well, he called to ask me what i wanted. which was very nice of him. i think God's really doing something in his life. thank u God =) asked him to get me a jersey from a first or 2nd div club, cos it'll be cheaper. but i think he went to one of the malls. so they only have the big clubs. jerseys there cost like 20 pounds, which back here is like 60 dollars, but it's still so much relatively cheaper by 20 dollars.. haha. was thinking of getting a wolves jersey since no one back here will have it. but they dont have it, so have to settle for a leeds jersey. leeds is really going down the hill, but i'll still support it. back to the multi-tasking, was talking to cyn, caleb and kah chun on icq, mic on yahoo messenger and jeson on the phone. i can't support 3 user interface at one time. if it was 5 ppl on the same interface. i think i can most prob handle it. but 3 diff ones.. big prob. meeting the guys at queenstown later. see what i can get cyn for her bday. need to find materials to make the card. most prob will head down to ikea. they always got nice stuff i think. that's it. better go and bath. if not, i'm going to be late for physio. drop one kg again. down to 61 kg.yes! one more kg to go.


shucks... cyn's bday coming liao.. i haven't prepared anyting yet. grrr.. beta do something tml..i've got over her NOW, BUT she's still my friend and i've better have something on sunday. if not, i think i will feel bad. and read the bk of daniel.. be faithful in the little things if u want to progress on to big things. everyone's been giving great suggestions on how to improve the website.. thanks everyone. just realise that i gave cyn the url to this place and she's going to read all this. oh well. this just means taking the phrase that raymond loves... my life is an open book to a literal level right now. and i beta think of something for ying jie also.. maybe a ps2 game.. that'll be good.. now he's fighting cao cao in the 3 dynasties..haha.. gd thing no one's bday coming soon.. after that.. oh great, just rem that manfred's one also coming soon.. but then i no bday ic.. hahaha.. can siam.. most prob i'll make cards for everyone.. beta think of a nice card to make for everyone


grrr... i don't know how to change the appearance of this blog. i see all the code.. see till i nearly went cross-eyed. it's being a long time since i last looked at code. wah.. must find a way to change the appearance. got so many pics to scan.. this time gone liao

Thursday, July 10, 2003

weight loss 

went to weigh myself today.. can't believe it.. it's either my eyes got some problems or the bathroom scale has some problems. the scale reads my weight at 62 kg... that's my bmt fighting fit weight. till now i can't believe it.. i think i will drop 2 kg more by the end of next week to hit 60 kg. doubts are creeping into my head right now.. my face still looks pudgy from the side.. it always does no matter what.. grrr.. and i still have fats ard my abdomonen region. for once.. i dont really know wat's going on with my body.. am i gaining fat or losing muscles? or is it both? i guess i'll just drop to 60 first and then bulk up again to 65.. 5 kg of muscles.. that sounds interesting.. =)


woke up at 1 pm.. i thot that i only slept till 11. apparently, my vision still needs work or rather, glasses. back to doing the website.. all that's left is just the salvation page.. left with a few more paragraphs and the pics.. and it'll be done. the bb page, man, still haven't start yet. i think and hope it'll be something that the guys can enjoy viewing, esp those that are leaving for abroad for studies. better call kah chun up. after bringing him and jansen to church for easter.. haven't had any friends coming any more. y r all or most of my friends guys? man, i shld get to know other ppl more... *wink wink*

record conversation 4 am. 

man.. it's 4 am now. almost finished the salvation page. left the pics. still talking on icq. haven't talk so long since.. dunno when also =p . talk for like 3 hours plus plus already. i think ns training helped. last time i did this kind of nonsense when i was on attachment. i couldn't even last. now.. things are different.. ns-conditioned =) but then still feel sleepy. never knew i could talk to poly mate for so long.. and so much.. wow. i guess we both got lots of stuff to talk abt.. cool.

1 Corinthains 13: 4 - 7 

to a friend in oz =) this is for ya!
1 Corinthians 13 : 4 - 7
love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself; is not puffed up;
does not behave rudely; does not seek its own, is not provoked; thinks no evil;
does not rejoice in iniquity; but rejoices in the truth;
bears all things; believes all things; hopes all things; endures all things.


now it's like 0230 in the morning. still trying to do my website.. working on salvation page.. abt how i first knew abt Jesus and the gospel.. responding to altar call and being backsliden and finally being on-fire again. i guess it's not so boring when there's someone to talk to. like michelle from my poly days. she's in oz now and awfully bored. that's y i still see her at these wee hours and it's really wee hours in oz.. i never thought that i'll be able to really communicate with anyone in school beside daryl, ed and kah chun. but God has opened doors for me. and now i'm talking to jenson who's been ard church for a couple of months now and michelle. praise God =) life aint' so boring now.. got ppl to talk to... and view my trash that i write here.. lol

day out with the guys 

praise God.. finally this thing can work and i can get my fisherock thingy back. =0 went out with mark, alvin, caleb and the triplets, colin, brian and terence. everyone has either maintained their shape or got slimer (mark and me). other than that everyone else still looked the same. terence looked fitter and he dyed his hair a shade of brown or something. nice. i think everyone changed a lot not outwardly but inwardly. ns has really changed us and made us more mature. i'm not really going to throw in any bible verses in here cos i'm christian. it doesn't mean i don't. but if i feel that there's something that i really want everyone who's reading to be blessed. i'll put it here. i'm not as spiritual as a lot of u out there. but i'm working on it. and still trying to preserve being down to earth and not being overly flaky. hopefully i got past that part liao. i think it's really gd to see some ppl from acs. it's being such a long time since we ever see each other anymore. even though i come from acs just like the rest. i feel so different. like the manner that they talk and behave. it's just one level higher than me. and somehow i can't seem to make that level. i find myself like in the middle, between the guys i know from barker road and the ppl from dover. maybe i fit in if acs ever goes autonomous. the middle class. we didn't talk a lot today but i can say that we build up a friendship in a day than in 4 yrs that we spent with each other. it helps that we know each other already. but this is the first time that i can actually say that there was some bonding done with each other. it doesn't matter how much or how little.

Wednesday, July 09, 2003


just testing.. wonder how it works. already failed once.. i'm crap at signing up stuff online. sigh. cause the word fisherock to be taken.. now had to contend with fisherock01, oh well, i'll just come out with a lame excuse that it's version 1 or something.. hope this time it works

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