
Friday, June 25, 2004


took down some blogs upon advice from my all-knowing, all-powerful ex cgl bro yy... yup.. realised what he said is pretty true so i decided to take them down. so don't be surprised if u can't find them anymore. i most probably can't remember them either so don't come and ask me.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004


well, in case you are wondering if i ended a relationship and then got onto one straightaway, u're wrong. i've been talking abt the same person all this while. but it's true to a certain extent as it did died at one stage and then it came back to life again when we decided to give it another shot. i've gotten to know her more over the past few days...we've gone out these few days and it's been such a great and enjoyable experience. everytime we go out, i'm kinda like spotting for places where ppl wouldn't usually go, esp ppl frm church.. nothing against them just that i want some privacy at times.. just two of us alone. if i want some company, i know who are the ppl that i want us to be with.. cell grp ppl, my gang.. the likes. it's been such a great time that i hope it doesn't end. the emotional high will come to a stop but i pray that the love wouldnt.

Sunday, June 20, 2004


i met someone. initially i thot she's a big bully, possessive, domineering, possibly manipulative, insecure, emotional, aggressive. man, think i can really spot flaws like no one's business. now? she's unique, pretty lovely, can be gentle to me =), that's all for now, still on the process of discovering who she is.. everyone has gd pts and bad pts.. she's no exception and so am i.. embarking on a process of self-discovery myself with her.. never thought i will really start to fall in love with someone again. we've got like a mth to go.. can we make it? i surely hope we can.. i'm in it with both feet and i'm sure she's in it also.. at times i'm like why do i like her? i don't know at times... but it's sure great to feel the heady heights of being in love.. though the marathon telephone sessions are really getting to me... i'm dying from the lack of sleep. don't want to crash and burn. but somehow know in my heart that she's someone that i can spend my days with. it's all a decision. maybe that's quite unemotional.. but that's how i see it

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